
Isadepäev TIKis/Father's Day at TEC (07/11/19 kl. 17:00)

7.novembril kell 17.00 tähistame koolis isadepäeva. Üritus algab aulas, kus saab kuulata väikest kontserti ning avatud on ka kohvik, isadele, kes tulevad töölt või vajavad energiat enne töötubadesse minemist. Peale kontserdi on võimalik isadel veeta oma lastega lõbusalt aega erinevaid tegevusi tehes. Kuna kohtade arv töötubades on piiratud, palume ennast ette registreerida siin Ürituse orienteeruv lõpp: 18.00

On November 7 at 5 p.m., we will celebrate Father's Day at school. The event begins in the assembly hall (2nd floor), where you can listen to a short concert and there is also a cafe is open for fathers who are coming to work or need energy before going to the workshops. After the concert, fathers can spend time with their children doing various fun activities. As the number of places in the workshops is limited, please register in advance here Approximate end of event: 18.00