
Projektid / International projects

Projektid, millega TIK on liitunud.

Information on international projects we are involved in.

Click on the project names to learn more about each one.

VOICE Developing Citizens

Voice logo

VOICE Developing Citizens – Paths to core competencies through a problem- based learning project in civic education

Grant Agreement number: 2010-4193/001-001
Project number: 510806-LLP-1-2010-1-DE-COMENIUS-CMP
Duration: 01.01.2011 to 31.12.2012

VOICE - School materials

The VOICE manual is a toolkit which supports teachers and other professional educators in promoting students’ key competences for active citizenship and lifelong learning. Through competence-oriented learning and active learning it aims to develop young peoples’ learning-to-learn skills as well as their social and civic competences.

You can access the manual in five different languages at

Deliberating in a Democracy

Deliberating in a Democracy logo

Deliberating in a Democracy ( 2007-2009) was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. The Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago (CRFC) , The Constitutional Rights Foundation in Los Angeles (CRF) and StreetLaw, Inc. were conducting a major teacher-based initiative, Deliberating in a Democracy (DID), designed to improve teaching and learning of democratic principles and the skills of civic deliberation. Funded by grants (#Q304A040003 and #Q304A070005) from the U.S. Department of Education, Deliberating in a Democracy’s overall goal is to increase the knowledge, ability and dispositions of teachers and students to effectively participate in deliberations related to democratic principles as applied in their countries.

Adventure Sphere Europe

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) programme Europe for Citizens.

Safe and Active Schoolday

The main goal of Safe and Active Schoolday is the promotion of sustainable healthy life and well-being of children and youth in the school context. This is striven by fostering and encouraging active life style, participation and involvement as well as by strengthening the community involvement and participation. In order to reach these goals, we are going to:

Rediscover Real European Values

Project blog:

Projekti pikkus: kaks aastat
Sihtgrupp: põhikool
Osalevad riigid: Rumeenia, Itaalia(2 kooli), Hispaania, Eesti, Türgi, Küpros, Norra, Holland ja Prantsusmaa

Learning is Fabulous: Euroopean School

Total duration : 2013- 2015
Agreement number : 2013-0018-COM06-PA-33
Comenius multilateral partnership

Participating schools : * Tallinn English College – Estonia
* Colegio Internatcional Sek Alboran – Spain
* Platon IB World school – Greece
* International Baccalaureate School No 5288, Middle Years Programme – Poland
* XV. Gimnazija - Croatia
* Istanbul Beykent School - Turkey

Innove - õpikogukonnad

Tallinna Inglise Kolledž sai Innovelt rahastuse projektiks "Professionaalse õpikogukonna ja tõenduspõhise õpetamise arendusprojekt Tallinna Inglise Kolledžis".

“Act Now For The Future” Erasmus+ Project (2020-2022)

Kaasrahastas Euroopa Liidu programm Erasmus+

Erasmus+ Project “Act Now For The Future”, is a collaboration between schools from Estonia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Portugal, and Greece. The project gives students a chance to collaborate internationally and solve environmental problems starting at a local level.

"Arenedes mitmes vallas" Erasmus+ projekt (2023-2025)

Erasmus+ projekt (2023-2025)

Tallinna Inglise Kolledž on rahvusvahelise kogukonnaga kool, kus õpivad ja õpetavad erinevatest kultuuritaustadest pärit inimesed. Õpilaste ja õpetajate õpiränded võimaldavad rikastada osalejate maailmapilti erinevate keelte kinnistamise ja kultuuride tundmaõppimisega.

Projekti logo autor on 8a klassi õpilane Kaisa Ots.