
2.-4. klasside kevadtants / Springdance for 2-4 graders (23/05/24 kl. 11:30)

23.mail toimub traditsiooniline 2.-4. klasside tantsupäev.
2. klassid esinevad rahvatantsuga, 3. klassid omaloominguliste tantsudega ning 4. klassid peotantsuga.
Üritus on ainult õpilastele ja õpetajatele. Kohal on fotograaf.

On May 23, forms 2-4 will have a traditional dance day.
The 2nd grades will perform folk dance, the 3rd grades will perform original dance and the 4th grades will perform ballroom dancing.
The event is for children and teachers only. A photographer is present.