VOICE Developing Citizens
VOICE Developing Citizens – Paths to core competencies through a problem- based learning project in civic education
Grant Agreement number: 2010-4193/001-001
Project number: 510806-LLP-1-2010-1-DE-COMENIUS-CMP
Duration: 01.01.2011 to 31.12.2012
VOICE - School materials
The VOICE manual is a toolkit which supports teachers and other professional educators in promoting students’ key competences for active citizenship and lifelong learning. Through competence-oriented learning and active learning it aims to develop young peoples’ learning-to-learn skills as well as their social and civic competences.
You can access the manual in five different languages at http://www.voice-comenius.org/9167.html.
About the VOICE project
VOICE is a Comenius multilateral project funded by the European Commission.. Representatives from different institutions from Turkey, Slovenia, Estonia (Tallinn English College), Austria and Germany are collaborating in the VOICE project. The consortium will develop
(1) an innovative strategy for education in secondary schools, in which both civic engagement and learning-to-learn competences shall be improved and enhanced.
(2) a teacher training course which focuses on necessary background knowledge and methodological tools for teachers to realize competence-orientated civic education.
Final products of the project will be
(a) four thematic modules for school teaching on the subjects Democracy, Europe, Human Rights and Migration
(b) ‘key modules’, which focus on the enhancement of social, learning and methodological competences. Moreover, the learning modules can be related to current political debates in the European and national public. Related to educational theory it means that three central didactic principles are effectively intertwined: activity-based learning, problem-based learning and discourse-orientated learning.
In order to meet the actual requirements of both teachers and pupils regarding the enhancement of civic participation and of key competences for lifelong learning, the project starts with Needs Analyses in every collaborating country. The results of the Needs Analyses will be considered in the development of the teaching and learning material to meet the concrete needs of both pupils and teachers. Furthermore, the project will run several trial courses to ensure that the project’s targets have been fulfilled. On this basis, the developed material for both target groups, pupils and teachers, will be evaluated and optionally optimized.
The third Partner Meeting took place in 21-22 May, 2012 in Tallinn, Estonia.
The main topics of this meeting were the results of the trial courses which were conducted from January to April 2012. During the first months of this year, lots of teachers and students got in touch with the prototype modules developed by the VOICE consortium. Their impressions, opinions and suggestions for improvement were gathered and summarised into evaluation reports. At the meeting these evaluation reports containing recommendations for improvement based on practice tests were intensively discussed and a work plan was set up for re-working and improving the materials. The representatives from Selçuk Üniversitesi and Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Turkey) and the external evaluator of the project Paul Harrison (UK) also visited Tallinn English College and attended a lesson of Presentation Skills in Form G1.
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